acc. - accountancy admin. - administration aero. - aero agr. - Аgriculture amb. - ambulance anat. - anatomy anthr. - anthropology arch. - architecture archa. - archaeology art. - art astr. - astrology autom. - automotive industry bact. - bacteriology bank. - bank bibl. - bible bioch. - biochemistry biol. - biology bot. - botany chem. - chemistry ches. - chess cler. - benefit of clergy com. - commercial terms comp. - computer science const. - construction cook. - cookery cosm. - cosmonautics eccl. - ecclesiastical econ. - economics edu. - education el. - electronic eng. - engineering env. - environment exch. - exchange finan. - financial geog. - geography geol. - geology geom. - geometry gramm. - grammatic graph. - graphic his. - history insur. - insurance kino. - kino law. - law leg. - legendry leg. - legal ling. - linguistics lit. - literature log. - logical mari. - marine mat. - matematic mec. - mecanical medic. - medicine ment. - mental met. - metalwork meteo. - meteorology metr. - metrology milit. - military min. - mining work mine. - mineral mus. - music myth. - mythology orys. - orystology pack. - packing (industry) paint. - painting pharm. - pharmacy phil. - philosophy phon. - phonetic phot. - photo phys. - physics physi. - physiology poem. - poem pol. - politic publ. - publication radio. - radio social. - sociology sp. - sport stat. - Statistics and Probability tech. - technical tel. - telecommunication textil. - textiles theat. - theatre time. - time vet. - veterinary zool. - zoology |
A.Ind - Anglo-Indian / Энэтхэг Amer - American / Америк Ara - Arabic / Араб Aust - Australian / Австрали Brit - British / Британи Canad - Canadian / Канад Fre - French / Франц үг Ger - German / Герман Gre - Greek / Грек Ire - Irish / Ирланд Ita - Italian / Итали Jap - Japanese / Япон Lat - Latin / Латин үг Mon - Mongolian / Монгол N.Z - New Zealand / Шинэ зеланд Ogre - Old greek / Эртний грек Rus - Rissian / Орос үг S.A - South African / Өмнөд африк Scot - Scottish / Шотланд Spa - Spanish / Испани Umon - Uvur (Inner) Mongolian / Өвөр монгол |