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Similar result (1)
to pass from hand to hand [verb]     гар дамжих Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!

Approximate results (49)
hand out [noun]     өглөг буян Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand out [noun]     хэвлэлд нийтлэх мэдэгдэл Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand out [noun]     сурталчилгааны хуудас Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand out [noun]     туршилтын загвар Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
second-hand [noun]     секундын зүү Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand out [noun]     үнэ төлбөргүй хоол Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand [noun]     цагийн зүү Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to hand-out [verb]     түгээх Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to hand-out [verb]     тараах Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to hand-out [verb]   [coll.]  үрэх Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to hand-out [verb]     зарах Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to hand-out [verb]     гарахад туслах Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to hand-out [verb]     сайтар бодохгүйгээр зөвлөх Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to hand in [verb]     асуудал тавих Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to hand in [verb]     гардуулах Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to hand in [verb]     хүлээлгэж өгөх Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to do sth. by hand [verb]     гардах Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
second-hand [adjective]     хэрэглэж байсан Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
second-hand [adjective]     эдэлж байсан Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
second-hand [adjective]     ашиглаж байсан Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
second-hand [adjective]     бусдаас авсан Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
second-hand [adjective]     зээлдсэн Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
right-hand [adjective]     солгой рультэй Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
second-hand [adjective]     хуучин Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand       - sth. to so. өгөх Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
second hand      зуучлагч Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
second hand      баруун гар Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
second hand      ойрын туслагч Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
third-hand      гуравдахь этгээдээс авсан Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
third-hand      гуравдахь этгээдээс Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand      заагч  - гарын зураг бүхий Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
at hand      дэргэд Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
at hand      маш ойр Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
first-hand      биеэр Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand      гар бие оролцох Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand      гарын сарвуу Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand      гарын ур Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand      дүүжлэн алах Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand      дүүжлэх Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand      дүүжлээстэй байх Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand      зүүх Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand      өлгөөстэй байх Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand      өлгөх Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand      сүй тавих Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand      цаазлах Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand-bag      барьдаг сав Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand down/on      үе дамжин уламжлагдах Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand down/on      шилжүүлж дамжуулж өгөх Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
hand-to-hand fight      гардан байлдаан Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!

Examples / Composite entries
Approximate results (50)*
 at third hand гуравдагч талаас 
 from hand to hand хүн хүн дамжин 
 hand it to someone сайшаах 
 right hand баруун гар 
 on the right hand баруун талд 
 take in hand гартаа оруулах 
 take in hand гартаа авах 
 go hand in hand хамт явах 
 hand in hand хамтдаа 
 old hand at хал үзэж хашир таньсан хүн 
 have a hand in зарим талаар хариуцах 
 have a hand in үүрэг хүлээх 
 on the other hand нөгөө талаас 
 at first hand анхны гараас 
 keep one's hand in хяналтандаа байлгах 
 try one's hand юм юманд гараа дүрэх 
 old hand at асар их туршлагатай хүн 
 keep one's hand in гартаа байлгах 
 from hand to hand хүний гар дамжин 
 try one's hand үр дүнгүй оролдох 
 get a hand with sth. хүнээр дэмжүүлэх 
 get out of hand биеэ барьж чадахаа болих 
 get sth. off one's hand салах 
 get sth. off one's hand хагацах 
 go hand in hand гар гараа барилцан явах 
 go hand in hand зэрэгцэн явах 
 to take so.'s hand хэн нэгний гарыг барьж авах 
 at hand гарт 
 get a hand with sth. хүний тусыг авах 
 by hand гараар 
 hand in hand гар гараасаа хөтлөлцөх 
 try one's hand хийх гэж зүтгэх 
 hand it to someone магтах 
 get out of hand хяналтаас гарах 
 hand in hand салшгүй хамт 
 in the palm of one's hand бусдыг байлдан дагуулах 
 in the palm of one's hand гартаа оруулах 
 hand and glove with дотно харилцаатай байх 
 keep a firm hand on хатуу гараар барих 
 eat out of the palm of your hand хурууны үзүүрээр хөдөлгөх 
 hold one's hand хутгалдахгүй байх 
 hand over fist маш түргэн 
 hold one's hand оролцохгүй байх 
 hold one's hand татгалзах 
 have the whip hand over гартаа оруулах 
 hand to mouth цалингаас цалингийн хооронд амьдрах 
 hand over fist хурдан 
 hand to mouth хоосон хонохгүй хоёр идэхгүй байх 
 hand to mouth наад захын хэрэгцээгээ хангах мөнгөтэй 
 have the whip hand over хяналтандаа байлгах 

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