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Exact results (4)
snap  түргэн зураг авах [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
snapshoot  түргэн зураг авах [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to snap  түргэн зураг авах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to snapshot  түргэн зураг авах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!

Examples / Composite entries
Similar result (3)*
 hell for leather түргэн 
 in high gear түргэн 
 in a flash түргэн 

Similar result (46)
floor  кино зураг авах павильон [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
snap  түргэн зураг [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
aerosurveying  агаараас гэрэл зураг авах [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
air passage  агаараар гэрэл зураг авах [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
camera processor  зураг авах [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
candid camera  нууцаар зураг авах хэрэгсэл [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
micrographics  бичил гэрэл зураг авах [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
shooting  кино зураг авах [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
skiagraphy  рентген зураг авах [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
skiascopy  рентген зураг авах [Нэр үг] [анагаах.]    Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
snapshooter  түргэн зураг авдаг гэрэл зурагчин [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
strip  агаараас зураг авах маршрут [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
studio floor  кино зураг авах асар [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
travsersing  хэвтээ байдалтай зураг авах [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
triangulation  тригонометрийн зураг авах [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
viewpoint  кино зураг авах цэг [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
air photograph  агаараар гэрэл зураг авах [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
aerocamera  агаараас зураг авах аппарат [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
grab  түргэн шүүрч авах хөдөлгөөн [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
snapshot  түргэн зураг [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to take  зураг авах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to photograph  зураг авах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to photograph  гэрэл зураг авах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to retake  дахин зураг авах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to shoot  кино зураг авах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to dodge  хосолмол зураг авах [Үйл үг]      - кинонд Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to film  кино зураг авах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to mug  гэрэл зураг авах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to photo  гэрэл зураг авах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to shadowgraph  рентген зураг авах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to skiagraph  рентген зураг авах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to survey  зураг авах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to traverse  байр зүйн зураг авах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to triangulate  тригонометрийн зураг авах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to take a picture  зураг авах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to take picture  зураг авах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
rapid-setting  түргэн шүүрэн авах [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
rapid-setting  түргэн барьж авах [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
snapshot  түргэн авсан гэрэл зураг      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
topographical survey  топографийн зураг авах ажил      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
colour filming  өнгөт кино зураг авах      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
full-face  нүүр талаас нь зураг авах      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
space photography  хиймэл дагуулаас зураг авах      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
come out  фото зураг авах      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
microfilm  бичил хальсанд зураг авах      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
radiography  рентген зураг авах      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!

Examples / Composite entries
Approximate results (47)*
 to take a picture гэрэл зураг авах 
 take a picture гэрэл зураг авах 
 to shoot a film кино зураг авах 
 to retake a shot дахин зураг авах 
 talk a mile a minute түргэн түргэн ярих 
 thumb nail sketch хар зураг 
 a valuable painting үнэт зураг 
 a fake picture дуураймал зураг 
 to draw a picture зураг зурах 
 as pretty as a picture зураг шиг хөөрхөн 
 awful painting муухай зураг 
 a scene of devastation үгүйрлийн дүр зураг 
 a historical picture түүхэн зураг 
 mural painting туурганы зураг 
 to collect pictures уран зураг цуглуулах 
 a picture on the wall хананд байгаа зураг 
 to produce a great painting гайхамшигтай зураг бүтээх 
 grim landscape дүнсгэр байгалийн зураг 
 a relief map газрын товгор зураг 
 a fine painting хосгүй уран зураг 
 an authentic painting жинхэнэ эх уран зураг 
 to draft a scheme бүдүүвч зураг зохиох 
 a truly beautiful picture үнэхээр сайхан зураг 
 а painting in oils тосон будгийн зураг 
 a painting in oils тосон будгийн зураг 
 to tack the picture to the wall хананд зураг хадах 
 on-the-spot camerawork газар дээр нь авсан зураг 
 academic painting уламжлалт аргаар зурсан зураг 
 a picture in green and blues ногоон ба цэнхэр туяатай зураг 
 Wireless Bit Map [комп.] Утасгүй холбооны Цэгэлбэр Зураг 
 cave painting агуйн ханан дээрх сүг зураг 
 a full scale drawing байгаа хэмжээгээр нь зурсан зураг 
 equipment replacement network тоног төхөөрөмжийг солих зураг 
 to hang a room with pictures өрөөгөөр дүүрэн зураг өлгөх 
 aerial photography агаараас авсан гэрэл зураг 
 to mark the places on a map газрын зураг дээр тэмдэглэх 
 hand over fist маш түргэн 
 at the drop of hat маш түргэн 
 maps open on the table ширээн дээрх дэлгээстэй газрын зураг 
 attempts to design a jejune байшингийн зураг бүтээх өнгөцхөн оролдлого 
 jejune attempts to design a jejune байшингийн зураг бүтээх өнгөцхөн оролдлого 
 chromosome map хромосом дахь генийн байрлалын зураг 
 make a run for it түргэн холдох 
 on the nail яаруу түргэн 
 leaps and bounds асар түргэн 
 up one minute and down another түргэн хувирах 
 here and now хурдан түргэн 

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