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Found words:50 + Found phrases:47

Exact results (1)
mathematical  тооны ухааны [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!

Similar result (3)
toponymy  тооны ухааны зүй [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
innumerate  тооны болон бусад тодорхой шинжлэх ухааны учрыг олдоггүй [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
toponymic  тооны ухааны зүйн [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!

Approximate results (46)
esprit  ухааны цар [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
cast  ухааны цар [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
larithmics  тооны өсөлт [Нэр үг]      - хүн амын Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
numeral  тооны нэр [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
paucity  цөөн тооны [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
mass  олон тооны [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
mathematician  тооны багш [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
mathematics  тооны ухаан [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
minority  цөөн тооны юм [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
muchness  олон тооны [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
multitude  олон тооны [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
multitude  олон тооны [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
calendar  цаг тооны бичиг [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
minority  цөөн тооны [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
operation  тооны үйлдэл [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
plurality  олон тооны [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
will power  ухааны цар [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
multiple  олон тооны [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
quantitative  тооны [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
arithmetical  тооны [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
enumerational  тооны [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
in-service  орон тооны [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
large  олон тооны [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
little  цөөн тооны [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
little  бага тооны [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
massed  олон тооны [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
non-integral  бутархай тооны [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
numeral  тооны [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
numerary  тооны [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
numerical  тооны [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
philosophical  гүн ухааны [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
thousandfold  тооны [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
unphilosophical  гүн ухааны бус [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
incomputable  олон тооны [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
mathematical  тооны [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
ordinal  дэс тооны [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
mathematically  тооны ухаанаар [Үйлт нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
numbers  тооны нэр      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
many  олон тооны      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
figurate  тооны      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
manning table  орон тооны      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
many  олон тооны хүн      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
spawn  олон тооны үр төл      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
calculating machine  тооны машин      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
few  цөөн тооны      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
philosophic  гүн ухааны      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!

Examples / Composite entries
Approximate results (47)*
 report on insufficient quantity тооны зөрүүгийн акт 
 scarce as hen's teeth цөөн тооны 
 an adding machine тооны машин 
 to flunk math тооны хичээлд унах 
 estimate for the number of zeros [мат.] тэгүүдийн тооны үнэлгээ 
 a mass of troops олон тооны цэргүүд 
 the numerical superiority of the enemy дайсны тооны давамгайлал 
 proliferation of states улс орны тооны өсөлт 
 a thin audience цөөхөн тооны үзэгчид 
 limited number of troops хязгаарлагдмал тооны цэрэг 
 to work at maths тооны ухаанаар хичээллэх 
 full-time employees орон тооны ажиллагсад 
 complement with respect to 10 [мат.] 10 хүртэл тооны нэмэлт 
 calendar server [комп.] цаг тооны бичгийн сервер 
 pay a heavy price for sth. аманд багтахгүй тооны мөнгө төлөх 
 frame of mind ухааны цар хүрээ 
 to catch on ухааны нь олох 
 to puzzle out ухааны нь олох 
 field of science шинжлэх ухааны салбар 
 Computer Science Net [комп.] Компьютерийн Ухааны Сүлжээ 
 the progress science шинжлэх ухааны дэвшил 
 National Science Foundation [комп.] Шинжлэх Ухааны Үндэсний Сан 
 an intelligence test оюун ухааны сорил 
 scientific terms шинжлэх ухааны нэр томьёо 
 literature literature шинжлэх ухааны бүтээл 
 intellectual poise оюун ухааны тэнцвэр 
 mental gymnastics оюун ухааны дасгал 
 academy of sciences шинжлэх ухааны академи 
 scientific discoveries шинжлэх ухааны нээлт 
 intellectual exercises оюун ухааны дасгалууд 
 an academy of sciences шинжлэх ухааны академи 
 mentally defective оюун ухааны согогтой 
 scientific methods шинжлэх ухааны аргууд 
 aeromedical нисэх хүчний анагаах ухааны 
 backward children оюун ухааны хомсдолтой хүүхдүүд 
 a high grade of intelligence оюун ухааны өндөр хөгжил 
 to prove scientifically шинжлэх ухааны үндэстэй нотлох 
 theoretical sciences онолын шинжлэх ухааны төрөл 
 weakness of memory оюун ухааны дорой байдал 
 to require a scientific approach шинжлэх ухааны хандлагыг шаардах 
 growth of scientific knowledge шинжлэх ухааны мэдлэгийн тэлэлт 
 a mentally retarded child оюун ухааны хөгжил дорой хүүхэд 
 a special genius for leadership удирдах ухааны тусгай авьяас билэг 
 the principle of political economy улс төрийн эдийн засгийн ухааны гол зарчмууд 
 a habitude mental оюун ухааны эрүүл саруул зуршил 
 a habitude mental habitude оюун ухааны эрүүл саруул зуршил 
 an anthology of modern philosophy орчин үеийн гүн ухааны зохиолын дээжис 

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