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Exact results (1)
to nationalize  иргэн нь болох [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!

Examples / Composite entries
Similar result (1)*
 come up to болох 

Similar result (3)
citizenship  иргэн болох [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
naturalization  гадаад орны иргэн болох [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
reintegrate  нэг улсад хоёрдахь удаагаа иргэн нь болох  [хууль.]    Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!

Approximate results (46)
citizen  энгийн иргэн [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
foreigner  гадаадын иргэн [Нэр үг] [худ.]    Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
cosmopolite  дэлхийн иргэн [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
patrial  иргэн [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
allegiance  иргэн байх [Нэр үг] [хууль.]    Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
caller  иргэн хүн [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
citizenness  иргэн эмэгтэй [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
citizenship  иргэн байх [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
civicism  иргэн байх [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
Congolese  Конго улсын иргэн [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
enfranchisement  иргэн болгох [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
Englisher  английн иргэн [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
Englishry  английн харьяат иргэн [Нэр үг] [түүх.]    Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
freeman  хотын хүндэт иргэн [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
gownsman  иргэн [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
gownsman  Римийн иргэн [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
national  иргэн [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
pompeian  Помпей хотын иргэн [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
south African  ӨАБНУ-ын иргэн [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
londoner  Лондон хотын иргэн [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
aboriginal  нутгийн уугуул иргэн [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
freeman  бүрэн эрхт иргэн [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to citizen  иргэн [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to americanize  АНУ-ын иргэн болгох [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to endenizen  иргэн болгох [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to enfranchise  иргэн болгох [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to nationalize  иргэн болгох [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to naturalize  иргэн болгох [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to denizen  иргэн оршин суугч [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to americanizc  АНУ-ын иргэн болгох [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to denizen  иргэн [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
citizenly  иргэн хүний [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
naturalized  иргэн болсон [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
cosmopolitan  дэлхийн иргэн      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
stateless person  харьяалалгүй иргэн      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
American  АНУ-ын иргэн      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
Chicago  Чикаго хотын иргэн      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
Israeli  израилийн иргэн      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
senior citizen  дээр үеийн иргэн      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
town father  нөлөө бүхий иргэн      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
metropolian  нийслэлийн иргэн      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
metropolitan  нийслэлийн иргэн      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
parisian  парис хотын иргэн      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
roman  ромын иргэн      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
townsman  хотын иргэн      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
subject  иргэн      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!

Examples / Composite entries
Approximate results (49)*
 a Mongolian national монгол улсын иргэн 
 denizen [комп.] хагас иргэншилтэй гадаадын иргэн 
 the obligations of good citizenship иргэн хүний хүлээх үүрэг 
 to naturalize immigrants цагаачдыг иргэн болгон авах 
 to become like brothers ах дүү болох 
 come out in the wash ил болох 
 come into the world бий болох 
 acquirable олж авч болох 
 grow out of бий болох 
 only have eyes for someone хөл болох 
 to take the gown лам болох 
 steal the show од болох 
 take so.'s side нэг тал болох 
 hammer and tongs дуу шуу болох 
 raise the roof дуу шуу болох 
 catch up on хор болох 
 end in smoke юу ч биш болох 
 to side with so. нэг тал болох 
 come into the open илэрхий болох 
 depart this life бурхан болох 
 go to hell in a hand basket шал дэмий болох 
 see the light of day ажил болох 
 snap out of it хэвийн болох 
 raise a hand нэмэр болох 
 catch up with someone or sth. адилхан болох 
 come out smelling like a rose буруугүй болох 
 take a shine to сайн болох 
 be in the way дараа болох 
 come in handy хэрэгтэй болох 
 fall in love сэтгэлтэй болох 
 go into effect хүчинтэй болох 
 lay claim to эзэн болох 
 loss of right эрхгүй болох 
 the failure of one's attempt бүтэлгүй болох 
 be wax in someone's hands хүний гар хөл болох 
 square accounts with so. өргүй болох 
 as soon as possible аль болох түргэн 
 vanish into thin air бүтэхээ болох 
 be a drag тээг болох 
 tool in the hands of хүний хөл болох 
 throw a spanner in the works саад болох 
 be in low water мөнгөгүй болох 
 be of service to someone хүний хөл болох 
 bottom drops out of sth. ноцтой болох 
 be in love сэтгэлтэй болох 
 put a spoke in someone's wheel саад болох 
 neither hide nor hair сураггүй болох 
 go to a better world бурхан болох 
 in the wind удахгүй болох 

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