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Exact results (1)
to onlap  далайн усаар аажмаар дүүргэх [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!

Examples / Composite entries
Similar result (1)*
 sooner or later аажмаар 

Approximate results (49)
phase-out  аажмаар багасгах [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
shelve  аажмаар доошлох [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
encroachment  аажмаар эзлэх [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
evolution  аажмаар хөгжих [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
ooze  аажмаар урсах [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
phasedown  аажмаар багасах [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
reliction  ус аажмаар доошлох [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
slough  далайн түлхэлтийн үеэр усаар дүүрдэг хотгор газар [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
groundage  усан онгоцны далайн боомтонд нэвтэрсний татвар /хураамж/ хураах эсвэл далайн эрэгт байсны [Нэр үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to build up  аажмаар байгуулах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to die away  аажмаар арилах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to die out  аажмаар арилах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to divide  аажмаар хуваагдах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to drown  усаар дүүргэх [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to fadeaway  аажмаар арилах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to flat out  аажмаар бүдэгрэх [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to flood  усаар дүүргэх [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to flood  хоолойг усаар дүүргэх [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to flow  усаар дүүргэх [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to instill  аажмаар ятгах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to overwater  усаар дүүргэх [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to overwhelm  усаар дүүргэх [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to phase down  аажмаар багасах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to phase out  аажмаар багасах [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to pyramid  аажмаар нэмэгдүүлэх [Үйл үг]      - үнэ, цалинг Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to fill with water  усаар дүүргэх [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to climb  аажмаар дээшлэх [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
to poop  онгоцны хитгийг усаар дүүргэх [Үйл үг]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
step-by-step  аажмаар [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
peacemeal  аажмаар [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
piecemeal  аажмаар [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
deferred-action  аажмаар үйлчлэх [Тэмдэг нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
gradually  аажмаар [Үйлт нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
progressively  аажмаар [Үйлт нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
gradatim  аажмаар [Үйлт нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
inchmeal  аажмаар [Үйлт нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
stepwise  аажмаар [Үйлт нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
voluntarily  аажмаар [Үйлт нэр]     Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
flooding  усаар дүүргэх      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
flooding system  усаар дүүргэх систем      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
linger  аажмаар үхэх      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
spiral  аажмаар өсөх  [эд.]    Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
spiral  аажмаар буурах       - үнэ Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
wind down  аажмаар бууруулах      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
melt away  аажмаар тарах      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
merge into  аажмаар хувирах      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
peter out  аажмаар сөнөх      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
taper off  аажмаар багасах      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!
tie up  аажмаар зогсоох      Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements! Please click on it, if this result does not meet your requirements!

Examples / Composite entries
Approximate results (49)*
 to fill ajar with water домбыг усаар дүүргэх 
 to fill a jar with water домбыг усаар дүүргэх 
 to fill a cup with water аягыг усаар дүүргэх 
 gradual improvement of health эрүүл мэнд аажмаар сайжрах 
 die out цувран аажмаар устаж үгүй болох 
 nova гэнэт тодроод аажмаар бүдгэрч хэвэндээ ордог од 
 to fill up with petrol бензинээр дүүргэх 
 to fill the vacuum хоосныг дүүргэх 
 to stuff oneself with food ходоодоо дүүргэх 
 the petrol tank _moliyna vg. бензинээр дүүргэх 
 to requite kindness with ingratitude тусыг усаар хариулах 
 to take a medicine with water эмийг усаар даруулах 
 bite the hand that feeds you тусыг усаар хариулах 
 to dilute wine with water дарсыг усаар шингэрүүлэх 
 to fill a house with furniture байшинг тавилгаар дүүргэх 
 to fill a hole with sand нүхийг элсээр дүүргэх 
 abundant supply of water усаар элбэг хангах 
 an ample supply of water усаар элбэг дэлбэг хангах 
 the bosom of the sea далайн гүн 
 a trip to the seaside далайн аялал 
 high water далайн түрлэг 
 risks and perils of the sea далайн аз туршилтууд 
 the profound depths of the ocean далайн хязгааргүй гүн 
 strong gale далайн шуурга 
 aquatic plant life далайн ургамал 
 sea level далайн түвшин 
 the floor of the ocean далайн ёроол 
 marine life далайн амьтан 
 across the sea далайн чанадад 
 maritime climate далайн уур амьсгал 
 maritime plants далайн ургамал 
 below sea level далайн төвшнөөс доош 
 Asia Pacific countries ази номхон далайн орнууд 
 above sea level далайн төвшнөөс дээш 
 a fury of hurricane далайн шуурганы хилэн 
 washed by the tides далайн түрлэгээр угаагдсан 
 the dark hue of the ocean далайн бараан өнгө 
 the turbulence of the seas далайн хүчтэй шуурга 
 washed by the tides далайн түрлэгээр угаагдсан 
 the surge of the sea далайн хүчтэй давалгаа 
 to sniff the sea-air далайн агаарыг үнэрлэх 
 the salvage of the ship далайн хөлгийг аврах 
 the roar of the sea далайн хүрхрэх чимээ 
 marine biology далайн амьтны биологи 
 the rage of the sea далайн хүчтэй давалгаа 
 mild pacific breezes номхон далайн зөөлөн салхи 
 Asia Pacific Network Information Centre [комп.] Ази Номхон далайн Сүлжээний Мэдээллийн Төв 
 ultramarine trade далайн чанадахь орнуудтай худалдаа хийх 
 todistil water from sea water далайн уснаас цэвэр усыг нэрж гаргах 

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